Sunday, August 30, 2009

*holds head in hands*

While this can be for crying, the particular reason is because I'm ecstatic. I have plenty of hours towards my internship, I'm actually over. Talk about fun. But, preseason has gone into Saturdays, which leaves me with NO day off this week. Talk about not fun. Any ways, I actually don't have a rant for the day, and I don't have enough songs that i can make a play list, so I might just babble about nothing.

As you all know, I was grounded for a long period of time, and my posts were semi-sporadic. Well, that's goning to change. (I hope.) With school starting, I might just make a set post date when I post every Monday or another day of the week, and only post on that day. But I have no idea what day that would be. I might just make it Saturdays. Yeah, I like saturdays. But, what you might not know about that grounding is that facebook was deactivated so I wasn't allowed on. But, now I have it back, and it's freaking addicting. As my WHAP teacher called it, Crackbook.

He couldn't have been more right. I'm not gonna lie. Well, I kinda have enough in here. But really, feedback would be great. If you have any comments, songs, concerns, or any of the above, then feel free to comment on this post, or any of the others.

Well, you'd be wrong.
  1. Chine Sunrise-Alpha Rev
  2. All or Nothing-Hit the Lights
  3. Counter Clockwise-Hit the Lights
  4. Holiday-Boys like Girls
  5. There's a Class for this-Cute is What We Aim For

Ok, This time, I'm done. I promise.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

*shakes head and sighs*

You might ask why I'm back to asterick thing, but really I have no idea. All i do know is that sports are hard and rewarding. I play field hockey and I'm one of the two Varsity Goalies at my school and I'm proud to play a sport. Why, you might ask? Well, since McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy's, Subway, and all those other fast food resturants have invaded the world, causing obesity to increase drastically ALL OVER THE WORLD. But, while one can argue that it's the people fault for eating it, they simply eat it because it's there. You can eat at one if your in a rush to get somewhere, you can eat at one if your stopping on a roadtrip, during lunch, whenever and wherever since most of them are open later and later. But while I sit here after a 3 1/2 hour practice, I feel glad that I'm not one of those people who sits there all day with nothing to do but watch TV and eat junk food.

Another topic-CHANGE.
Is it always a good thing? No, but is it mostly? Yes. Change is what causes us to be better(or worse) people, it can affect our lifes, our mindset, even our mentality about something. Change is ahppening right here in our country as well as the world. The recession has affected those who once were the epitome of consumerism, westernization, and all that good stuff, have cut back drastically. It's not only about how much you spend anymore. It's also about what you do to help that planet, what your doing to help jumpstart the economy, and such. Those of you who are changing your life style by eating organic and whole grain/wheat, good for you. I'm with you and I support you wholeheartedly. But those of you who aren't, here's a statistic that might change your view on the way your living:More then 56% of our country's population has diabetes;type 2 to be specific. If you don't know the difference between type one and type two, well here it is.

TYPE ONE:Otherwise known as juvenile diabetes. This is the less common one that you have no control over. It's something in your genes that prevents you from eating to much sugar because your pancreas can't take it. This is one that requires you to map out your sugar intake so you dont eat all of it at one time.

TYPE TWO:This is one that's preventable. Type 2 is caused by your lifestyle. The risk factors for type 2 include inactivity, high sugar intake without excersize, and a sedentary lifestyle in general. This is the most common type of diabetes and it's alsop the most preventable.

Think about it. Do you want to add the the 56% of the country? That's what I thought.

Well, I'm in an alternative mood so thats the list.
  1. Lyrical Lies-Cute is What We Aim For
  2. Holiday-Boys like Girls
  3. Paparazzi-Lady Gaga
  4. Fuck You-Lily Allen
  5. Ur So Gay-Katy Perry
  6. There's a Class for This-Cute is What We Aim For
  7. Headlines Read Out-We the Kings

Done for today. I hope you all take in mind what I said, about all of it.

Sunday, August 23, 2009


You might ask why I might be crying. Well, the answer is simple:preseaon. And in my school, preseason means schools going to be starting soon. But in comparison to some things, that just seems petty.

So, I'm sure you've heard that the sect of Protestantism, called Lutheranism, has now allowed committed gay and lesbian clergy members. A clergy member is a bishop or a pastor since thats what the Protestants call the preist. Why do I decide to bring this up? Well, I bring it up for a few reasons. The first being the fact of how its talked about in the news. The second being the fact that I am a lutheran. Third, being the fact that the Bishop of our area for the Lutherans is gay and happily with a partner. Fourth, the new gay rights thing.
Gay marriage is a huge debate on whether it shoud be legal or not. I, personally think that if your homosexual, thats great for you. I will stand by you and I'll fight for your rights even though I myself, am not lesbian. I think that if the Bishop of New York is gay, then why can't other clergy be? As long as their in a committed relationship, then why does it matter? Sure, the bible says that it's wrong, but the point of the constitution says that a)separation of church and state and b)freedom of religon. Arguably, the can mean freedom FROM religon, which was a major part arguement that my WHAP teacher and I were in during lunch times after the AP. While I think that if your any religion thats a minority, its wrong to teach kids the pledge of allegance with "under god" in it, since there are minorities that don't worship a god, and that's breaking the whole "separation of church and state" thing.
Few people actually know that 'Under god' wasn't in the original pledge. It was only added in 19587 when the Knights of Colobus, a catholic group frough the Supreme Court to add it in.

So, that's simply my opinion, and I kinda branched a little there, and I really hope i get some feedback on this, since this is a mAJOR topic in the country at the moment.

only one song today
Pheonix Burn-Alpha Rev

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A Common Misconception

I like typing misconception. I mean, really. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines 'misconception' as a mistaken thought, idea, or notion; a misunderstanding. The word is a noun, thusly making common the adjective. What I like most about a misconception is that people tend to get histrionic about it. Histrionic, which means overdramatic, is another fun word. Histrionic is an SAT word, and it describes my personality perfectly. The reason for all the big words, you might ask? That would be part of today's topic.

The topic? The SAT/ACT: Are they really that important?
My answer:NO. All they succeed in doing is stressing the person out because they're convinced that their going to do horribly, and that they'll never get into a good school because they'll do terribly. When in reality, not all school require them anymore. ABC News wrote an article on 27 schools that DON'T require the SAT. All the SAT tests in the first place is how well you take tests. While this may be considered a good thing, it also has it's downside. For example, the three things on the test are math, english, and a writing section. Me? Whenever I take practice ones, I do (almost) perfectly on the english portion of the test. I do decently on the writing, but I bomb the math. Math and I are mortal enemies, so we don't get along. We're like Perry the Platypus and Dr. Doofenschmirtz: We get along, but then one fools the other. The way I see it? You don't need the SAT to get into a school. Sure, it looks good, but you don't really need it. The 27 schools that don't need it? Here's the link to the website if you want to look at them: The 27 schools are scattered all over the country, so no matter where you live, you can still attend one of these schools.

Music for today will consist of:
1.Drop Top-Mercy Mercedes

That's all for now. Please comment if you have rant ideas.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Well, I'm starting to get better

All be it, I'm still not perfect, but then again, is anyone? So I'm just going to jump right in and start ranting.
The topic for today is:stereotypes.
We've all got them. Whether we think the blondes in our grade are stupid, or the emo kids cut themselves, or the metal listeners skateboard, we all generalize people on how they look, dress, and what they listen to. Is that really cool? No, its not. On numerous occaisions, people have told me they thought I was a blonde, like a stupid one. While I am ditzy, and it takes me a little bit longer to understand somethings, it doesn't mean I'm stupid. And I know that even I classify people. It's not something I want to do, it's just a natural thing for me, sice thats how I grew up;listening to other people judge a whole group because of one person. There are kids in my grade that I cannot stand, and if I can't stand maybe three or four people in a group, I judge all of them that way. A skater listens only to rock and metal. Wrong. 'Some skaters' can listen to pop music, or some perky people can listen to rock and metal. I know I do.
I'm extremely perky, but I listen to almost everything. Rock, Metal, pop, alternative, whatever.

So, for all the legend of the seeker fans:good news. New season starts November 7th. Don't believe me?Here's the link-
Then go to videos and watch the scenes from the second season. AMAZING!

Music: I made a playlist of songs I wanted to get so here they are.
  1. Curse of Curves-Cute is What we Aim For
  2. There's a Class for This-Cute is What we Aim For
  3. Use Somebody-Kings of Leon
  4. Starstrukk-3OH!3
  5. Dani California-Red Hot Chili Peppers
  6. Secret Valentine-We the Kings
  7. Headlines Read Out-We the Kings
  8. Skeptics and Believers-The Academy is...
  9. Classifieds-The Academy is...
  10. Same Blood-The Academy is...
  11. This is How We Do-All Time Low
  12. Six Feet Under the Stars-All Time Low
  13. Whoever She is-The Maine
  14. All Around Me-Flyleaf
  15. Ever Ever After-Carrie Underwood

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

ummm, here goes

so, I'm at a loss for titles. Anyways, today I was out running this morning, with my friend Stef. We're been friends forever, but I haven't seen much of her since school ended. We ran two miles, and when we got back to my house, we found out that our moms had gone walking together.Guess the two of us weren't the only ones bonding. Hahaha. Then, afterwards, I went to my babes(aka, Ali) house and we chill'd for a while, we went walking, talked about stuff (boys, our summers, school, more boys, boys) and then we had a great talk. We got back to her house and found out the rules of shotgun. Very funny. Look them up on google.
I had to walk home, At least I'm getting good exersize.

Soo, the rant for today is boys.
Are they really all their cracked up to be? I mean, sure, you have your bad boys, sweethearts, the goody goody, the best guy friend, the brothers friends, and all those other groups, but are they worth messing yourself up over? It's almost pointless. Guys are guys, and if they like you, they like you. You don't need to change yourself for a guy.
same for the guys. As fun as it is to make yourself different, its stupid. A guy (or girl) should want you for who you are. Not who you were, not who he wants, but YOU. Theres no need to change over him, cut your hair, get contacts, invisiline, whatever. But, as most people put it, we need those who care about us. There's a bumper sticker on facebook that makes me laugh.
"life is almost ironic. we hurt the ones who care about us, get hurt by the ones we care about, and we change for those who love us just the way we are." That is a grouping of words to live by.

  1. boysboysboys-Lady Gaga
  2. i will be around-nick whitaker
  3. The space between-Valencia